James Wilson

Black lillies

Black lillies sprout from the valleys of my heart Rain waters them as steady as time ticking in reverse Though the sunshine is bright Their pigment is reflective for the light Casting sunrays high and turning day to night The stars stay hidden due to confusion The sun high and…


As I sit in silence Silently awaiting His words His touch His feel I am so filled w/ fear of the unknown That I know not how I feel And it is painful As I watch my eyes cry inward No liquid flows from my cheeks The world was meant…


Soliloquies slip through solemn silences Quieting the verbal violence Victimizing vexes voluntarily voiding Avoiding arsenals assaulting ambidextrous annoying From both sides bearing barbaric bonds Casually creating concrete cons Cultivating chaotic collected perfected protested purple poems Popping purposely from foreign farms Falling feign further from futuristic forms Whaling words whirl wormingly…

We need you

Optimism seems so open We look forward to the act of hoping Which completely contradicts and beautifully depicts knowing that the end is so immenent We churn it out timidly and vividly portray our pain and keep the reader feeling it Spilling it Feeling it Healing from it Thank you…