
Tomorrow is simply a fantasy No matter how much proof you have at what it might contain In an instant it could shift Giving energy to a fallacy is like punching at the wind It depletes the energy from your today's Only hindsight is 20/20 while you're foresight is simply…


Addiction creeps in as a still small voice Soft and sweet to the canal As it slips into your body and makes it way into your heart It numbs the pain that's just insane to let yourself feel The fictional depiction that it can somehow help Alleviate the pain and…


I've cycled through a myriad of revisions Trying to understand my manhood while avoiding an egoic, soulful collision I've raged with anger and waited for confrontation Fist clenched Sweet drenched Ready to pounce without hesitation I've felt my blood boil as my imagination determined infiltration of my solidified walls Every…