I had the pleasure of performing at Adventure Christian Church in Roseville, CA. Videos will be here soon. Here are the poems though.
He died for you
He died for me
He died to bring the rains to wash out to sea the sins that His father gave him the ability to see
He died for us
He died at the hands of captures shouting mockeries and a close friend named Judas
that He knew would give him up
Arrested, convicted, and jailed on a charge they could not find
In Him, no fight, no protest, not a single work spoken
As they beat Him with staffs and whips with lead tips
He lied there as Peter continue to deny
Absolving himself of the rivers of blood that would come spilling from this man
At His crucifixion Pilate washed his hands up to his sleeves
Jesus was strung on a cross with arms out stretched
Open wounds from being beaten burned when infiltrated by His sweat
Pales in comparison to the internal pain he must have felt
while a crowd yelled obscenities and professed Him to be a liar
When just 5 days prior in Jerusalem they rejoiced and proclaimed Him the Messiah
As he rode into town on a donkey, so humble and meek
They laid palm branches at his feet making a path on which not to stumble
A day, later to be known as Palm Sunday which begins the Holy Week
On Friday, which ironically is Good Friday,
through His flesh He was pierced by dull metal nails
as they hammered the sound stammered in the distance
from two pieces of affixed wood He hung
on both his right and his left were a robber and a thief
sentenced to die also, their lives deemed no good
the robber mocked Him with no remorse, the thief praised Him
he asked for forgiveness so Jesus embraced him
after three hours of darkness in the moment before he died
He out cried
“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
He bowed his head
the people watched His spirit leave
the earth shook, the rocks split and then the people believed
they drove a spear through his side
to just be sure that He was no longer alive.
The people wept at the thought that because of them He had been crucified
The Pharisees remembered the prophecy that had been given by Jesus
“after three days I will rise again”
3 days later on a Sunday
Easter Sunday He rose from his grave
Let us remember the true meaning of this day
It was for us that He allowed himself to die that way
He died for you
He died for me
He gave His life so that you and I could have abundant life and eternity