Imagine how different this world would be
If we simply asked what can I do for you
Instead of what can you do for me
When our expectation exceeds our assistance
We lose sight of one another
No sister nor brother is ever allowed to enter our existence
So privileged and misguided
Trying to see a future in selfishness
Is like trying to see stop signs
Driving blindfolded
At night
When we are not catered to we feel slighted
We get let down w/ out being vocal about our wants
From our deserv-ations we get divided
The only thing we deserve is to breathe in this time and space
Even that can be snatched from you
Everyday we awake we are gifted w/ Gods grace
Be thankful for what we have and give to those that don’t
Stop passing up chances to help
Because nobody can do what was meant for you to do and nobody wont!